About us

YC Education Group Sdn Bhd, abbreviated as "YC", we are a professional overseas study consultant based in Malaysia, established as a center, we are committed to provide the most professional overseas study consultancy for school leavers seeking to further their studies overseas, be it diploma, bachelor's, master's degree,. As the best advisor for your study abroad, we put our best efforts to expand and refine the business we cover. In order to achieve our goal, we first conduct one-on-one information sessions with students to understand their requirements on a range of study options, such as the development prospects of the department, market trends of the department, employment opportunities after graduation, study environment, availability of basic university facilities, family financial budget, living environment requirements, convenience, etc., and recommend the relative after the consultation, we will recommend the most suitable university in Malaysia.

We understand that the lengthy process of applying to study abroad can often discourage school leavers from wanting to study abroad, but at YC, our team will take care of the tedious application process, whether it is an assessment of eligibility, visa and immigration advice, or assessment of university scholarships, we can make proper assessment and arrangements. We then fully assist students with the follow-up process, including: application to the Malaysian institution, visa submission, flight and accommodation arrangements, and advice upon arrival at the study destination.

With branches throughout Malaysia and our head office in Kuala Lumpur, our value is in providing more objective advice to students and parents and maintaining a professional level of service. On the other hand, YC aspires to train and develop a skilled workforce to fill the gap in the local job market.

In 2022, we have expanded to become a one-stop educational consultancy and advisor for overseas studies and have successfully sent about 7,000 students to over 100 institutions in various countries.

Looking ahead to 2023, we hope to provide even better services and expand our overseas partner institutions to provide even better value for students.